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Letters To A Founder

These letters were developed as a gift for our founders.  We’re inspired every day by the opportunity we have to help make founders more successful and help great new solutions reach the world. And, we know that creating a vibrant company is incredibly hard to do.

About These Letters

We started Webb Investment Network to help founders build great companies. Over the past few years, we’ve seen how we’ve been able to help open doors, win customers, and place advisors. But we’ve also learned that we have much more to give when we offer guidance to help founders grow as CEOs. We have over 80 affiliates and each has proven their ability to operate and manage at scale. Many of them have been through what you are going through—and we’re here to help as you navigate these rites of passage.

By the time we hear about some of the challenges you face, it’s often too late—a key hire suddenly left, a co-founder isn’t pulling his weight, or your board is in disarray. What if we knew about these issues earlier and were able to offer advice when guidance could potentially make a significant impact?

We wrote these letters as though we were in a 1:1 with you during these defining moments. The team enjoyed providing practical and actionable advice (with plenty of true anecdotes). There were so many topics to explore, but for this edition we selected just 32 letters across five important themes: Getting started; Fundraising; Creating an Execution Machine; Dealing with Challenges; and The Next Phase.